What Should a Woman Ask for in a Prenup

Does a Prenup Expire? Your Guide to Prenuptial Agreements
A Prenuptial Agreement is typically in place for the duration of the marriage. Meaning the Agreement is effective against both parties and their assets until the marriage is terminated by death or divorce. However…

What happens to my Prenuptial Agreement if we move states?
At Prenup Specialist it is standard to include language that indicates what we call a ‘choice of law’ clause. A ‘choice of law’ clause allows the parties to decide which state’s laws they would like to apply to their Agreement…

Online is not for me
You can’t help me online because I need to talk to an attorney and make sure they understand. What makes Prenup Specialist different from other online companies providing legal services is that real licensed attorneys are here to answer your questions…

How to Ask for a Prenup: Expert Guidance for a Smooth Conversation
You have decided to ask someone to spend the rest of their life with you and now you have to ask them to sign a Prenup. This may be a significantly harder task than the first…